Optimizing for LeadGeneration: SEO Strategies Increased Conversions

Client Background

A B2B SaaS company offering a marketing automation platform, facing challenges generating qualified leads and driving sales.

Challenge Statement:

Low organic website traffic and low conversion rates from existing website visitors.

Implemented Solution

Keyword Research & Content Strategy

Developed high-quality content (blog posts, white papers, case studies) targeting relevant B2B keywords and buyer personas.

On-Page Optimization

Optimized website content and landing pages for targeted keywords and user experience.

Technical SEO Audit & Implementation

Addressed technical SEO issues like website speed and mobile-friendliness.

Link Building Campaign

Built high-quality backlinks from relevant industry websites to improve domain authority.

Achieved Result:

30% increase in organic website traffic from relevant search terms.

25% growth in qualified leads generated through the website.

10% increase in customer acquisition cost (CAC) efficiency.

That's not all

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