Expanding LocalReach: Social Media Strategies Boosted Engagement

Client Background

Boutique fitness studio specializing in yoga

Challenge Statement:

Limited local reach and needing help to stand out in a crowded fitness market.

Implemented Solution

Targeted Audience Mapping

Identified fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, focusing on specific demographics and interests.

Content Strategy Revamp

Created engaging content showcasing unique aerial yoga benefits, expert instructor introductions, and behind-the-scenes studio peeks.

Community Building

Fostered interaction through live Q&A sessions, influencer partnerships, and interactive challenges.

Paid Advertising Campaigns

Utilized targeted ads on Instagram and Facebook to reach specific geographic locations and interests.

Achieved Result:

250% increase in Instagram followers and 180% growth on Facebook in just 6 months.

Increased class bookings by 30%, with 20% attributed directly to social media leads.

That's not all


Community: CRM Tools Improved Retention

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